
I would like to speak a little about all this slow answer or review problems.
i will take example of my last patch about ldap-cache.
I started doing it 5 month ago, and posted few patch many times on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nobody answered on the list, i posted about 4 or 5 times the same subject and patches.
Finally, i sent an email to concerned people and i get answer it was a good job. The patch was not commited.
Then i continued working on it and made it more stable (the more i am able...) I posted it few times again on the dev@ and on bugzilla, no more answer during one month...
Then, Jeff Trawick get it and it become faster, lots of mail and communication, and finally, the patch was commited last week.

I understand core team have a lot of work reviewing, implementing new features, patching and fixing bugs... But on the other side (mine), it's really discouraging to don't get answer during 3-4 month about work i did.
I needed this patch for my company and it was working here... so finally there is no problem it was commited or not...
This slow answer and when there is, is bad for people who submit/write patches...
Maybe a new patch management or more people able to commit/review "experimental/modules only" would be good. It could encourage people to participate more in apache httpd project.
I can speak with many cool people on IRC and apache channels which is why i continue effort, but people not in this case will i think, not try a lot to help.

This is not "reproach" or bad mind about people in apache, but it's just a feedback about somebody who try to help and participate.
I hope my english was not too bad and there isn't wrong sense in what i said.
People who use to speak with me should understand...


Jeff Trawick wrote:

Aaron Bannert wrote:

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 09:55:24AM -0700, Brad Nicholes wrote:

Just to point out the obvious fact that hopefully everybody can agree with and consider taking action on: More code review[er]s would be useful regardless of C-T-R vs. R-T-C. And whether or not you agree with the current order of Committing and Reviewing for the stable branch, helping out with reviews would result in fixes being merged into the stable branch much faster.

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