On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:35:20AM +1100, Ian Holsman wrote:
> Glenn wrote:
> >I have some different ideas.  One is to distribute APR with 1.3 so
> >that modules developers could incrementally move their modules to APR.
> why can't you just link APR into your 1.3 module? I don't think there 
> would be any technical reason not to.

Because then I would have to require that APR be installed, which is a
lot harder than just requiring say apache-1.3.30.

Right now, most people do something like rpm -Uvh apache-1.3.29....rpm
and things work.  If APR were distributed with apache-1.3.30, then I
could say "requires apache-1.3.30" and it would not be much of a stretch
to have them install it.

It should be possible for many modules to keep a single codebase for
both Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.x, with minimal #defines around areas
that manipulate BUFF vs filters and brigades.  Right now, it is not.


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