On Nov 17, 2003, at 2:22 PM, Bill Stoddard wrote:

In this economic environment (and perhaps this will turn out to be generally true from now on), companies are not making investments in IT unless they can get a proven and almost immediate return on that investment. Making the jump to Apache 2.0 -can- be a big investment (depending on how many custom/third party modules you use)

Most people with those big investments are using at least *some* 3rd party
modules. Having a 1.4 that is not binary compatible with 1.3
means that those 3rd party modules will need to be (at least)
re-compiled for 1.4. So they will need to worry about 1.3,
1.4 and 2.0 (and potentially 2.2)... That's an *awful* lot
to have people keep track of. I don't see companies out
there wanting to do that... they will maintain their 1.3
modules for awhile, and their 2.x ones, because it *is*
the next gen, but I think they would avoid 1.4 almost

Having 1.4 not be binary compatible with 1.3 severely limits its
usefulness to those exact people that it's supposed to be

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