The final sentence seems a bit long and confusing. Perhaps instead of:

"An important benefit of Apache httpd is that you can modify the source as
you require, and while we understand that it is preferable to avoid
re-applying patches when a new Apache httpd is released, the ability to do
so, along with providing a flexible API, is one of the ways that some users
have to tailor its behavior to match their requirements."

You could have something like:

"An important benefit of Apache httpd is that you can modify the source as
you require. While we do understand the desire to avoid re-applying patches
to each new Apache httpd release, that ability allows users with unique
requirements to tailor the Apache code to their own needs."

Jeff Trawick wrote:
Jeff Trawick wrote:

I'd like to write up some notes tomorrow as a draft of a new "how to submit a patch", pointing to existing info on httpd patches and describing the current bugzilla capability.

With the help of Glenn (gs-apache-dev at, there is a first draft at

This is intended to replace the section "Submitting your Patch" at But there is also a new section that discusses what level of code can be used for creating the patch.




-- Paul J. Reder ----------------------------------------------------------- "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure." -- Albert Einstein

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