On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 12:54:05AM -0500, Robert La Ferla wrote:
> I have no problem with running release candidates and contributing.  I 
> have contributed in the past by the way...  In fact, I wouldn't object 
> to trying nightly or weekly builds.  The problem is that I don't see 
> those as easily available from the httpd.apache.org website.  There is a 
> link to the latest source tree but the source code there does not have a 
> configure script.  Yes, I can build the script (autoconf?) but if you 
> want people to test software on a regular basis, it would be better to 
> have a ready to go source release on a nightly basis.  Perhaps, you have 
> this but I couldn't find it.
> There's also the issue of release frequency.  I remember seeing some 
> discussion about it several releases ago but no action was taken.  More 
> frequent releases would be much welcomed.  Take this recent user_track 
> bug.  A lot of sites use cookie tracking.  It would be great if there 
> was a release that fixed it.  In the interim, it would be nice to see 
> some mention of a workaround on the site for users.

Take a look here:


I made these tarballs early last week. Once I get some feedback on
this (whether it works for anyone else, since it works for me on
linux 2.4 i386, linux 2.4 amd64 (opteron), and Mac OS X 10.3
(Panther)) I'll encorporate any new changes and cut another tarball.
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. :)


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