On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:52:51AM -0500, Geoff Thorpe wrote:
> On November 26, 2003 07:05 am, Joe Orton wrote:
> > Hiya, I'd like to integrate distcache support into mod_ssl on HEAD: are
> > the copyright holders willing to contribute copyright ownership to the
> > ASF for ssl_scache_dc.c and the other changes?
> This is good news. IIRC, I already put notes into the mod_ssl (apache1.3) 
> and httpd2 support saying that the ASF (and Ralf, in the 1.3 case) can 
> totally subsume the glue code under their own license/copyright if they 
> want to integrate. But if that wasn't already spelled out correctly, you 
> can consider this the go-ahead.

Can you fill in the CLA http://www.apache.org/licenses/cla.pdf and
fax/post it to the included number, to make that official?

> > - don't cast the void * to DC_CTX * in ssl_scache_dc.c
> Ah this is a consequence of your trashing shmht?


> > - rediff ssl_scache.c against HEAD
> > - adjust ssl_scache_dc.c for new status API in HEAD
> OK - how come this was working as-is before? Has the previous technique 
> been deprecated but still compiles/links/runs in the mean time?

The _status functions were never called in 2.0 before, there was no hook
out from mod_status.  (the 1.3 bits would have been OK I expect)



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