On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Nasko wrote:

(can you please fix your mailer to post text and use a sensible
line length?)

> Hello everyone.
>     I have Apache 2 module running under Windows.In each Apache's
  thread I have a separate ODBC connection to a database.

Why every thread?  Wouldn't it be more efficient to share a connection
pool between your threads?  You might possibly want to look at mod_pg_pool
(at http://apache.webthing.com/ ) as a template for that.

> My questions are :

Can't answer them.

ICBW, but AIUI threads in your MPM are merely an implementation of
Apache's abstract architecture, so if you tie something to them,
you're more-or-less fighting against the architecture.  That means
your module is likely to be non-portable and at risk of breaking on
future Apache updates.

Nick Kew

In urgent need of paying work - see http://www.webthing.com/~nick/cv.html

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