From: "Nick Kew"

> > Hello everyone.
> >     I have Apache 2 module running under Windows.In each Apache's
>   thread I have a separate ODBC connection to a database.
> Why every thread?  Wouldn't it be more efficient to share a
> pool between your threads?  You might possibly want to look at
> (at ) as a template for that.

Or the many other ways!

> > My questions are :
> Can't answer them.
> ICBW, but AIUI threads in your MPM are merely an implementation of
> Apache's abstract architecture, so if you tie something to them,
> you're more-or-less fighting against the architecture.  That means
> your module is likely to be non-portable and at risk of breaking on
> future Apache updates.

Really define MPM?


"...the purpose of MPMs is to improve
performance on specific platforms."


Ryan Bloom the "creator" of Apache2!

>    1) What could be a reason for one
> Apache thread to be terminated

The thread did what it was suppose to
and returned or timed out or ????

>    2) How can I be notified when a thread
> is destroyed so I can close the DB connection

Forgetting the database "issues" here is
how thread tracking on Windows can be

You can do all this in any computer
language but for all to follow along,
in Windows Scripting:

Windows Scripting with VBScript scripts.

Adjust the scripts to your needs, then save
the VBScript script file to any folder. Then
in a command prompt window set to the
VBScript script's folder, use the Windows
Script Host (WSH) engine cscript.exe
by typing:

cscript.exe VBScriptFileName.vbs

Remember one can also use the script
language of your desire with the Windows
Script Host (WSH) engines.

Monitoring Threads

MSDN - The WMI Win32_Thread Class

MSDN - The WMI Win32_Process Class

The TechNet Script Center

An ONLINE version of the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Scripting Guide


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