At 06:32 AM 1/2/2004, you wrote:
>>  update license to 2004.
>Why? Unless the file changes in 2004, the copyright doesn't. And, in any case, the 
>earliest date applies, so it gets us nowhere.

In fairness this has been Roy's practice, so let's not beat on Andre.  Roy's logic
is that this is a single work.  If someone obtains a new tarball in 2004, all of the
files will be marked with 2004, as some changes will have (undoubtedly) been 
made.  Old tarballs of the combined work retain their old copyright dates.

One copyright file isn't sufficient, each document must be copyrighted.  The
License itself will become a single, common document (not repeated in each
file) as of the next ASL 2.0, if I understand right, and mentioned by reference
in each individual file.  But copyrights will be perpetually updated, each file
is both separately copyrighted, as well as the combined work as a whole.

I think that covers most comments on this thread.


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