On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Joe Orton wrote:

> Nothing like that was posted to the list, at least.  Patch below is
> still sufficient to fix the proxy+304 case; does it work for you too?

Yes, mostly (it fixes the important bug that was previously a
showstopper).  And it's an improvement on my hack by virtue of

But it should still set the Content-Encoding header on a HEAD request
that would normally be deflated (and unset content-length if present).
So your:

+        /* Deflating a zero-length response would make it longer; the
+         * proxy may pass through an empty response for a 304 too. */
+            ap_remove_output_filter(f);
+            return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
+        }

should move after the the
        if ( ! force-gzip )
block, and if then if we reach the EOS-only test we should fix up
the headers.

That test also seems to lose the pathological case of a brigade
with no data but one or more FLUSH buckets followed by EOS.
Could that ever happen in a HEAD or a 204/304?

Investigating this has revealed a similar bug with HEAD requests
in inflate_out_filter, which I shall now have to fix:-(

Nick Kew

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