Yes, its in Bugzilla as well, I've posted about 3 times here to prod
some discussion and/or testing outside of our own.

I was referring to a connection pool using keepalives as you mentioned
below.  That would show a huge improvement for my mod_proxy/rewrite rule
sticky load balancing hack.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Graham Leggett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:32 AM
> Subject: Re: Invitation to HTTPD commiters in tomcat-dev
> Guernsey, Byron (GE Consumer & Industrial) wrote:
> > We are using mod_proxy and a patched mod_rewrite to do sticky load 
> > balancing.  Mod_rewrite
>  > supports cookies, but not session based cookies.  I added 
> this functionality and posted the  > patch here (see 
> "mod_rewrite cookie patch (PR#28391)")- still trying to 
> figure out how to  > get it included in the httpd.
> Post it to bugzilla so the patch doesn't fall through the 
> cracks, then follow up with a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> so as to generate some discussion - you might have to do this 
> more than once.
> > I would find it very useful if keepalive connections were 
> supported in mod_proxy.
> They are, but only if the client was using keepalives. This 
> might change to a full connection pool at a later stage.
> Regards,
> Graham
> --

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