Bill Stoddard wrote:

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

--On Monday, August 2, 2004 2:49 PM -0400 Bill Stoddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To get mod_cache/mod_mem_cache (I know little or nothing about
mod_disk_cache) really performing competatively against best-of-breed caches
will require bypassing output filters (and prebuilding headers) and possibly

Here's some comparative numbers to chew on.

One client and one server on 100Mbps network (cheapy 100Base-T switch);
50 simulated users hitting 7 URLs 100 times with flood (35,000 requests).

mod_disk_cache: Requests: 35000 Time: 40.91 Req/Sec: 856.78
mod_mem_cache:  Requests: 35000 Time: 54.90 Req/Sec: 637.81
no cache:       Requests: 35000 Time: 54.86 Req/Sec: 638.81
squid:          Requests: 35000 Time: 105.35 Req/Sec: 332.25

mod_disk_cache completely filled out the network at ~50% CPU usage.
[Can't push through more than ~8MB/sec (~64Mb/sec) without GigE.]
mod_mem_cache filled up the CPU but not the network
[Poor scaling characteristics. It goes to 100% CPU with just 5 users!]

mod_mem_cache is broken
Or mistuned?
Here are the defaults for the mem_cache directives:

MCacheSize               ~100 MB
MCacheMaxObjectCount     1009
MCacheMinObjectSize      0 (bytes)
MCacheMaxObjectSize      10000 (bytes)
MCacheRemovalAlgorithm    GDSF
MCacheMaxStreamingBuffer 100000 (bytes)

I have no idea if the urls ending in / are being served at all by mod_mem_cache. Wouldn;t suprise me if tehre is a bug there.


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