Sorry.  One last post...

It seems that at least on Windows if I place
<Location /server/cache-info>
  SetHandler ldap-status
too early in the configuration Apache crashes on shutdown.  Specifically, if I place it in front of my mod_deflate configuration (similar to that in documentation), it will crash on shutdown with:
apr_rmm_free(apr_rmm_t * 0x0091d898, unsigned int 12583060) line 375
util_ald_free(util_ald_cache * 0x00c00020, const void * 0x00c00094) line 82 + 19 bytes
util_ald_destroy_cache(util_ald_cache * 0x6eec8526) line 352
run_cleanups(cleanup_t * * 0x0026a960) line 1952
apr_pool_destroy(apr_pool_t * 0x6ff1e82b) line 733
ap_mpm_run(apr_pool_t * 0x002689d8, apr_pool_t * 0x00000000, server_rec * 0x70a9f1ab) line 1645
main(int 1890185643, const char * const * 0x80000002) line 624 + 8 bytes
SHLWAPI! 70a9f1ab()
Jess Holle wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
Jess Holle wrote:
Here's one final patch to fix the global mutex crash when the global mutex is never allocated due to disabled/empty caches.

I would really like some clarity as to whether:
  1. We should just stick with the single-process read/write lock for single-worker MPMs.  It would really seem so.
  2. Whether we should really avoid using shared memory for the LDAP cache for single-worker MPMs.  What's it really buy us in this case?
Related stupid questions:
  1. Does setting LDAPSharedCacheSize to 0 disable shared memory but not the cache?  [The docs say so.]
P.S.  The doc says so, but the ldap-status handler provides no information in this case as if the cache were not active.

Jess Holle

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