Maybe I am jumping in here out of turn, but let me ask the obvious
question.  Why would we want to split the standard base httpd.conf file
up into multiple files?  Doesn't this end up just confusing the average
user?  One thing that I always tell new users of Apache is that rather
than trying to understand the entire alpabetical list of directives in
the httpd docs, go read the comments in the standard httpd.conf file. 
This gives them a good idea of what the base set of directives are and
how they are used in a working context.  For newbies reading a single
.conf file seems easier to understand than trying to trace through
multiple .conf files just to figure out the big picture.  For those that
are Apache experts, they have already rewritten and rearchitected the
the httpd.conf file to fit their needs so they don't care.  I can
understand splitting dead or rarely used directives out, but it seems
much easier to read as a single file.  Maybe just some additional
formatting and comments to distinguish MPM directives from Language from
Vhosts, etc. is needed.


Brad Nicholes
Senior Software Engineer
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net business solutions 

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