On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Graham Leggett wrote:

Joshua Slive wrote:

As the first stage of a simplification of the default config in 2.1 (only!), I'm going to remove all the html files under httpd-2.1/docs/docroot/ and replace them with an index.html file containing only <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>

Is it possible to say a little bit more than just "it works"? Maybe something like "The webserver installation is successful, and the websrver is currently running. To host your own content, please replace this file with your website content and reload this URL in your browser."

The idea is that it says enough to give the user assurance that the server is working, but at the same time addresses your concerns of comebacks to us. Thoughts?

No, because this is a very confusing and ambiguous statement from the perspective of a random web surfer who stumbles on the page. Their response is "Why are you saying I installed a webserver on my computer? This must be some kind of security breach. Call in the marines!" (And I'm hardly exagerating!)

In fact, your suggested text is very similar to the original (apache 1.1) welcome page:

The revisions since then have improved the situation somewhat, but my guess is that simplicity wins in this situation. Apache users get a response that they can probably interpret, other people get a response that is meaningless, and therefore won't lead them on a wild goose chase.


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