Graham Leggett wrote:
Hi all,

I've been keen to do some digging for reasons why someone might need to install httpd v1.3 instead of v2.0 or later.

Support for mod_backhand seems to be a significant reason (and getting backhand ported to v2.0 would be a win): Apart from backhand, are there in the experience of the people on this list any other significant apps out there that are keeping people from deploying httpd v2.x?



in my organization we are heavy users of Apache 1.3 and have no intent of migrating to 2 yet.

The main reason why we are not migrating to 2 is related to bug 17877 I filed for Apache 1.3 last year. We are using Apache as a reverse proxy using mod_rewrite and mod_proxy and we need to proxy WebDAV requests. Those requests are often sent using Chunked as their transfer-encoding, and our reverse proxies need to forward those. The vanilla mod_proxy rejects those requests (in both 1.3 and 2.0), but as we cannot control the DAV clients being used this kind of behaviour is not an option we can tolerate.

I patched mod_proxy in 1.3 to pass those requests 'AS IS' to the origin servers (which we KNOW for sure to be 1.1 compliant). My patch would not port easily to version 2 as the structure of mod_proxy has changed significantly between 1.3 and 2.

The availability of filtering in Apache 2 seemed at first a nice feature to use but it turned out keepalive connections' requests are far from easy to handle, at least using mod_perl and the perl filter hooks. I do not know if this has been fixed yet or not as I did not have time to look again at mod_perl but this was sure a problem for us to start using this nice Apache 2 feature.


'AS IS' to the origin servers otherwise they might just crash due to the size of the data being transfered (several hundreds of Mb or even several Gb) which canno

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