On Tue, 23 Nov 2004, Cliff Woolley wrote:

> But mod_dumpio calls apr_bucket_read() unconditionally on data buckets,
> which is exactly what I *don't* want it to do.  Because that modifies the
> contents of the brigade.  The module I'm looking for needs to be
> completely transparent.  But it's a very good start.  :-)

Sounds like mod_diagnostics.  Now also featured in mod_filter at
FilterTrace level 1.  I've found it useful many times in debugging
bucket/brigade issues in a filter under development.

I hadn't heard of dumpio until today, and I shouldn't be surprised if
that was mutual.  But we do seem to have multiple independent
implementations of a similar idea, which suggests it as a candidate for
the core dist.  Would mod_filter be a Good Place for new diagnostic
(FilterTrace) modes anyone needs to add, if it were extended to deal
with input filters too?

Nick Kew

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