I volunteer to upgrade the copy of PCRE in httpd-2.1 to the latest version. I'll have a bit of time to work on this over the next few days.

One question, though...

I'd like to follow the vendor-branch approach outlined in the Subversion book, <http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s04.html>. In this approach, a clean copy of the 3rd party code is maintained on a branch under some unique path, so that it's easy to generate a diff between versions M and N of the 3rd party code that can then be merged into our code base.

Do we have a standard yet for where vendor branches should be located within the httpd Subversion repository? E.g., should the clean PCRE releases be stored under svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/vendor/pcre? or svn.apache.org/repos/vendor/pcre? Or something else entirely?


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