* Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --On Friday, November 26, 2004 12:05 AM +0000 Max Bowsher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Actually aclocal belongs to automake.
> Correct.
> > But then, it would be a weird system where autoconf/automake/libtool are
> > not installed as a group, so I guess that's still ok.

oops. (Who the hell named that tool aclocal?!)

> No, it's not.  I purposely don't install automake.

I'd be really interested in the reasons.

> -1 as we can't (won't) make httpd depend on automake.

Just to be fair, we would make developers depend on automake, not httpd.

> Please find some other way to address this problem.  -- justin

I'd guess, something like apr-util/xml/expat/buildconf.sh does? As you refuse
to install aclocal, it could be your favorite task >:->

"Solides und umfangreiches Buch"
                                          -- aus einer Rezension


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