At 07:28 PM 12/12/2004, Paul Querna wrote:
>+1 for promoting it to beta status.
>I tested on NetBSD-2.0 and FreeBSD 5.2.1.
>I was able to duplicate the regressions in mod_rewrite and mod_proxy:
>However, the proxy related regressions are only a small part of the code.  I 
>believe we need a beta release to help find other issues.

-0 right now on beta, here's my thinking;

Apache 2.0 didn't (originally) deliver a functioning cache 
or proxy.  That was the #1 reason for folks to 'choose' to 
hang onto 1.3 when the 2.0 server went out the door.

Delivering Beta 1 with a fully functioning cache and proxy
would go a huge ways in giving beta testers (as opposed to
dev alpha hackers) some strong faith in the 2.2 release.

Because cache and proxy were the #1 hurdle last time around,
shipping Beta 1 with bugs in either module would not provide
much street credibility.


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