At 01:15 PM 12/21/2004, Sander Temme wrote:
>The following patch (inline and attached) expands the experimental -s flag to 
>ab to specify the SSL version used for the benchmark run. Valid versions are 
>SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1 and ANY in which case the program will use the highest 
>version available. This code is active when httpd is configured with 
>CFLAGS="-DUSE_SSL" and LDFLAGS="-lssl -lcrypto".
>Downside: getopt(3) doesn't allow for an optional optarg, so a bare -s no 
>longer works. I could possibly hack around that by scanning the bare argv 
>string but that seems to me like a significant can of worms.

Due to a change I hope to introduce, allowing a generic '-s' for
http:// connections (to trigger client-selected connection upgrade)
that would be a big downside.

Can we use a separate flag to specific protocol version?

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