On Thu, 30 Dec 2004, Jeff Trawick wrote:

> 1. special case:
>     if client specified C-L and either C-L is zero or there are no
> input filters or some magic envvar is set to indicate that filters
> don't change the size:
>     pass through the C-L header and stream the request body, if any
> 2. normal:
>    read enough request body to see if there is more than 32K of
> request body...
>    if <= 32K:
>      send the C-L and the small request body;
>    else if some magic variable is set to force calculation of C-L:
>      get temporary file;
>      read entire request body into file;
>      send calculated C-L;
>      send request body from the file;
>   else:
>     use chunked encoding and stream the request body

Hey, I was just drafting a reply in this thread, but you beat me to it:-)
+1 to the above.

> > Will there really remain no active filters in the common case?
> strictly speaking, there are always filters; but we're just worried
> about filters which can modify the request body; it is common to have
> a configuration in which there are no filters which modify the request
> body...

This is essentially what the protocol handling in mod_filter offers
for output filters.  I wonder if you've just made the case (always
"potentially useful/interesting") to extend mod_filter to input filters?

Nick Kew

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