I guess I am still a little unclear on what the advantage is to using
ldap:// + start_tls  vs.  ldaps://.  The end result is the same except
that you have a secure connection to the LDAP server on 389 rather than
636.  Is that the only reason?  Administrators don't want to open a
dedicated SSL port to their LDAP server?  I thought that the advantage
of start_tls was to be able to initiate an unsecure long-lived
connection and then when required, converting it to a secure connection
for a period time and then possible back to unsecure again.  In other
words, the ability to bounce back and forward from an unsecure
connection to a secure connection.  

Since the ldap communication between the httpd server and the ldap
server is "basically" a single authorization request and response, there
is no point in which an initial unsecure connection can be converted to
a secure connection except when the connection is established initially.
 The connection is either entirely secure or not.  As far as util_ldap
is concerned, it seems like just another way of doing the same thing. 
If you want a secure connection to the LDAP server, just use ldaps://. 
Unless I am missing something, ldap:// + start_tls isn't really buying
you anything.

Something to think about - what about ldap connection caching?  Are the
ldap://+start_tls connections cached separately from ldap://  and
ldaps:// connections?   Or do they keep flip-flopping back and forth as
required by the http request?  If they keep flip-flopping, it seems like
a lot of overhead just to get a secure connection.  If they are cached
separately then we are just implementing another secure connection cache
when we already have one.

If I am completely missing the point, then please correct me.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuesday, January 04, 2005 12:40 PM >>>
It seems that our support for ssl/tls with mod_ldap is considerably
confusing and frustrating for users.  The recent interest in fixing
support for the Solaris/Netscape/Mozilla library reminded me of the
fact that we need to finish thinking this through.

Fast summary for those less familiar; there are two SSL schemas
for LDAP communications.

 . Solaris/Netscape/Mozilla support is based on explicit SSLv3
   connection to the ldaps:// port, 636.

 . OpenLDAP supports ldaps://, it also supports STARTTLS
   protocol over port 389.  STARTTLS should not be invoked by
   the scheme ldaps:// (it's a semantic error - ldaps:// should
   not refer to an upgraded SSL connection, and would imply
   port 636 which is not correct for this protocol.)

The correct scheme/port for STARTTLS LDAP connections is
ldap:// with port 389 implicit.  We need a mechanism to clarify
to mod_ldap that TLS security is desired.

Incident http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=31443 
offers a solution which we should consider adopting.  As I was
asking for some offline feedback - Graham mentioned that some
implementations use the URL to specify that STARTTLS is desired.
But without some references the proposal seems to be a better
option - we shouldn't be redefining the ldap:// URI space.

Does anyone have any references to specifying STARTTLS as part
of the URI to the ldap server?  Any other comments on this patch
before I integrate into httpd-2.1?


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