Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Sun, Jan 30, 2005 at 10:11:44PM +1100, dean wrote:

Ive enabled mod_disk_cache in the 'stock-standard' httpd.conf, and cached pages come back wrong (missing images & css)
Ive found a bugzilla report that explained the exact same behaviour [Bug 31486].

Are you using the proxy by any chance?
Yes, sorry I forgot to mention that.

The error message in #31486 has nothing directly to do with mod_cache as mod_cache will DECLINED a response if the on-disk files are missing. So, that analysis is incorrect somehow. (I've added some comments to that PR.)

By looking at the headers, cached images return 206 Partial Response.

mod_disk_cache would never cache a 206 Partial Response sent via the proxy.
Only the byteranges will, and that is independent of mod_*_cache.  (I verified
that byterange responses work correctly.)

Can you please capture a specific set of requests and responses at the network
layer?  What browser and OS are you using?

Ive just tried few different scenarios and Im completely confused. Here are my steps, Im using Firefox extension LiveHeaders to view headers:
1. clear out the proxy disk cache
2. request google.com.au using Firefox1.0 -> page shows up fine
3. clear out Firefox cache
4. refresh page -> google logo doesnt show up (appears as broken image), but live headers shows it as a 200 OK
5. delete temp int. files in IE6
6. request google.com.au using IE6 -> page shows up fine
My first thought was that Firefox has an issue. Then I installed 2.0.53 as a cache-proxy BUT I couldn't reproduce the above, Google logo loads everytime.
Another simple page I tried is news.com.au/wireless.
Steps 1 -3 are same
4. refresh page -> no css applied (liveheaders shows 200 OK), logo appears broken (liveheaders show 206 Partial Response)
5. delete temp int. files in IE6
6. enter www.news.com.au/wireless in browser bar -> logo loads fine but no css applied
7. hit refresh button -> page loads fine with css & logo
As before, I couldn't reproduce this with 2.0.53

Can you try reproduce this behaviour with 2.1.3 ??
I can capture traffic using tcpdump, but there is so much mess (arp, dns, acks etc), is there a filter to clean it up to only show the relevant packets.
B.T.W. Im running the proxy on Mandrake 9.1. and testing it from winxp Firefox & IE6.


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