Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
2.1.3 tarballs at: <http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/>

I'd like to get enough votes for 2.1.3 to be a beta and commence the feature freeze towards a 2.2.0 GA.

As we discussed at ApacheCon in November (over three months ago), this would mean we create a 2.2.x branch from the 2.1.3 tag and bump trunk to 2.3.0.

Given the fixes on trunk that went in since 2.1.3, I'd like to see a 2.1.4, and branch off of that. I'll even volunteer to take care of T&R'ing 2.1.4 upcoming thursday.

I feel this takes care of the mod_dav exports issue as well.

By this point, I think that if a super-cool feature hasn't made it in yet, it's time to admit that the feature missed the boat and it needs to wait until 2.4. I'm tired of waiting for 2.2 when there are excellent features in our trunk that are being held up for non-existent patches.

+1. I've been one of the people causing the holdup with my preference of getting the AAA user authentication/group membership split in 2.2. Let's not have wishful thinking keep up 2.2.

I assume we are in agreement that the current AAA discussion shouldn't
hold up moving to 2.2 either.


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