The command
        apr_table_setn(r->notes, "ssl-access-forbidden", "1");
is incorrect, as we don't have access to the request (request_rec struct).
I suppose we could find it, but do we really need this line ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: SSL error trapping

Here is my final proposal.
I changed it a bit in order to be fully compatible with the current implementation.
Technical description (based on 2.0.54):
In ssl_io_filter_connect( ) - ssl_engine_io.c - we have 2 cases (at line 1147 and 1173) where the connection may break because of certificates verification/validation problem:  ' return ssl_filter_io_shutdown(filter_ctx, c, 1); '
I would return only if the error trapping module (mod_ssl_error) is not loaded.
If it is loaded, I would accept the certificate (continue the treatment and return DECLINED), as the error will be trapped later.
It just may be needed to add "apr_table_setn(r->notes, "ssl-access-forbidden", "1");" ?
So, replace
    return ssl_filter_io_shutdown(filter_ctx, c, 1);
     if ( is_ssl_error_loaded ) apr_table_setn(r->notes, "ssl-access-forbidden", "1");
     else return ssl_filter_io_shutdown(filter_ctx, c, 1);
In order to check if the module is loaded, I need a few lines at the beginning of the function - unless a function exists to check if a module is loaded ? Currently I coded it in the function:
    BOOL sslErrorRedirected = FALSE;
    { /* Check if mod_ssl_error is loaded */
        extern AP_DECLARE_DATA module *ap_top_module;
        module *modp;
        for ( modp = ap_top_module; modp; modp = modp->next )
            if ( strcmp(modp->name, "mod_ssl_error.c") == 0 ) {
                sslErrorRedirected = TRUE;
Error trapping module:
Here is what I implemented:
1. Specific error page
<IfModule mod_ssl_error.c>
SSL_Error_URL  10   "/error/expired.html"
SSL_Error_URL  12   "/error/crl_expired.html"
SSL_Error_URL  23   "/error/revoked.html"
This directive allow to redirect to a specific page, in case the error X is detected (X is the OpenSSL error code).
2. General error page
<IfModule mod_ssl_error.c>
SSL_Error_DefaultURL /error/ssl_valid.html
This directive allow to redirect to a specific page, in case an error is detected and is not explicitely trapped with 1.
The error message is added to the URL: "/error/ssl_valid.html?error=XXX".
3. No error page
In case the "SSL_Error_DefaultURL" directive In case the "SSL_Error_DefaultURL" directive is not specified, it generates an error 403 (HTTP_FORBIDDEN).
URL can be
 - absolute HTTP => no change
 - absolute HTTPS => change HTTPS to HTTP (to avoid loops)
 - relative filename => add "http://hostname", where hostname comes from the request (request_rec struct)
Does anybody see possible enhancements ?
Currently it only traps certificate validation problems, but it may be extended to other non fatal SSL error if any (?)
Does it seem reasonable to include it as a patch in HEAD ?
Thanks for the feedback,
In case a SSL connection fails because a certificate is expired, or a CRL is unavailable, etc., the browser receives a SSL error that results in a cryptic technical error displayed to the user - sometimes only an error number like in Firefox. In such a situation, the SSL connection could be established, and a HTTP_FORBIDDEN (403) error returned. By adding another module, It is even possible to trap the exact SSL error and redirect to a page with the specific error message ("Your certificate is expired", "We cannot check the validity of the certificate - retry later", ).

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