At 05:03 AM 6/9/2005, Jeff Trawick wrote:
>motivation: correlate stuck requests seen in mod_status display with
>entries in third-party logs which log pid+tid

+1, was bit by this issue myself a week ago(!)

>I assume that simply adding another column to the table will break
>existing scripts.
>Requre threadid in query argument to see this information?       
>(/server-status/?notable&threadid or something like that)
>Have a query argument that  tells mod_status to always spit out all
>available information?   format may change if somebody adds a new
>column in the future  (/server-status/?refresh=5&showall)

Or name the columns?  Better yet, move to an XML output
(?refresh=5&display=xml) which any decent parser can tear apart,
no matter how we change things in the future?

I like the idea of toggling columns, I'd make it more like
columns=pid,tid,ss,m,req to allow for abbreviated displays.

One other thing, we should probably contemplate disallowing
certain fields.  E.g. someone who wanted server-status, but
didn't want to leak pid/tid or remote IP information might
want to lock out those fields from being returned.


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