Not sure what is causing he protocol not to be set either, but I hit the same 
thing when testing mod_ssl on NetWare.  


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, June 20, 2005 1:12:23 AM >>>
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

>Also, possibly across platforms is a fault in ssl_engine_init,
>where the host->protocol is still NULL, and we are trying to
>strcmp it to 'https'.  I spent part of my weekend trying to
>grok what change has broken this, but strcmp to NULL is popping
>a segfault.  Not worthy of rejecting 2.1.5 on it's own, this is
>still a minor irritation.  FYI - mod_ssl was loaded without SSL
>being defined, so no ssl host actually exists.

In all cases the protocol should be set, and never be null. Look at  
ap_setup_listeners() in server/listen.c.

What configuration are you using that causes it to be NULL in cases?



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