At 02:12 AM 6/20/2005, Paul Querna wrote:
>William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>>Also, possibly across platforms is a fault in ssl_engine_init,
>>where the host->protocol is still NULL, and we are trying to
>>strcmp it to 'https'.  I spent part of my weekend trying to
>>grok what change has broken this, but strcmp to NULL is popping
>>a segfault.  Not worthy of rejecting 2.1.5 on it's own, this is
>>still a minor irritation.  FYI - mod_ssl was loaded without SSL
>>being defined, so no ssl host actually exists.
>In all cases the protocol should be set, and never be null. Look at  
>ap_setup_listeners() in server/listen.c.

All linux cases as usual :-?

ap_setup_listeners is only called in the parent.  On mpm_winnt,
this happens in the open_logs hook of the parent.

get_listeners_from_parent in the mpm_winnt creates those per-child
listen records.  Memory is not inherited between parent and child
so the patch to modify this broke win32.

This code seems a bit too convoluted for me to delve into right
now, and I'm not quite clear what problem the patch was ment to
solve in the first place (?)


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