On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 08:43:00AM -0600, Brad Nicholes wrote:
>     I have run into this one also and I still don't understand why the 
>     make is all of the sudden asking for yacc when this all worked 
>     before.  Since neither mod_ssl nor BSD sockets are part of the 
>     standard NetWare build, this isn't a show stopper.  But I would 
>     like to understand what happened and how to fix it.

You should get the Netware build to touch the generated files (or 
equivalent) as buildconf does on Unix.  This sequence will ensure that 
make never regenerates the shipped files:

echo fixing timestamps for mod_ssl sources
cd modules/ssl
touch ssl_expr_parse.y
sleep 1
touch ssl_expr_parse.c ssl_expr_parse.h ssl_expr_scan.l
sleep 1
touch ssl_expr_scan.c
cd ../..



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