Maxime Petazzoni wrote:

Last week, we've been discussing what mod_mbox should output (XML+XSLT
or XHTML?) and we seemed to settle our minds on a simple XHTML output
for the interface, plus of course the XML backend for AJAX

Still, someone on the #apache-modules IRC channel (was it chipig or
iholsman ? I don't remember) came up with some questions about
mod_mbox internationalization.

mod_mbox does not have a lot of strings ('prev', 'next', etc. Stuff
like that), but it actually does not contain any i18n mechanism (these
strings are hard coded in the C code).

We are here facing problems, whatever solution is used :

- If we choose XHTML output, strings of the interface will be
  hard coded in the C code (in 'normal' / non-javascript browsing)

There's no reason the strings have to be hard coded into the C code. You can pull them out into some sort of language specific file, just like any other C program that worries about i18n.

Honestly, that seems like a far better solution to me. XML+XSLT seems like extreme overkill if all you want is a way to have the strings change on a per-language basis.


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