In a message dated 8/11/2005 12:42:35 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The code will remove the header file and the disk file; but it also likely
needs to go up a 'level' and remove all variants.  Because if we get a 404 on
a varied entity, it also means that all variants should be removed, no?
Actually, no.
What you really should do if you are going to drop into 'cleanup' mode
on this base URI is RE-VALIDATE ALL THE VARIANTS and remove
any that return bad response codes but keep the ones that are
'still ok'.
It is possible ( and legal? ) for a COS ( Content Origin Server ) to return
a '404' on one variant of an entity but not on another.
I have seen CGI scripts that would do this very thing.
Kevin Kiley

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