Joshua Slive wrote:

It looks like you want an extreme level of flexibility for making caching decisions based on characteristics of the request. Why not piggy-back on mod_rewrite, which already has an absurdly complex matching capability.

As in
RewriteCond {REMOTE_ADDR} =
RewriteRule /path.* - [cacheenable=disk]

Good point. If the per-dir stuff gets folded in, this is probably a far more flexible and elegant way.

I didn't want to use SetEnvIf, because there's no concenpt of and or last. rewrite solves both of those.

Of course, in my endless search for flexibility, it would be cool if it were easy to add more %{VARIABLES} to mod_rewrite...

Who is currently working on the per-dir mod_cache stuff? I am willing to help.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

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