Parin Shah wrote:

> I have fixed that memory leak problem. also added script to include
> libcurl whenever this module is included.

I hope that it doesn't mean that libcurl is going to be a permanent
solution, when subrequests (with minor changes) could serve the same

BTW: if subrequests are refactored, isn't it better to move them to

In any case, thanks for the great contribution!
Eli Marmor
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020          8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314          P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-5237338          Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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