Brian Akins wrote:

I have been testing 2.1 in our environment. So far, so good. I was especially testing the prosy stuff (proxy, http, and balancer). Very good stuff.

Good to hear!

The event MPM is much slower in our case.

We may or may not ship the event MPM.  Our new release model has *all*
the code on trunk/.  Once the RM and community decide to 'release', we
will also consider dropping specific things.

I have no opinion on whether the event MPM is ready for GA.  I'd sure
like to see it shipped in our betas, however!  Any observations about
the MPM and specific performance hits I'm sure are appreciated.

The new cache still is too slow for our needs. With several of the patches I have submitted here, we get within about 10% of our in-house cache. I have integrated allot of the mod_cache stuff into our in-house cache modules. I suppose our own single-purpose module (reverse proxy/cache)will always outperform the more general stock mod_cache.

Quite possibly - generic code is (almost) always a bit less performant.
But I was curious, are you saying httpd performs at 10% of your custom
proxy's thoroughput, or simply 10% slower?


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