Jim Jagielski wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Jim Jagielski wrote:

Could someone explain to me what the current thinking is about
the httpd SVN trunk? Is it 2.3.0? 2.1.x? Where does 2.2 fit
in all this? So patches made to HEAD/trunk need to be
backported to 2.2, and 2.1 and then 2.0 ???

Does anyone else think this is more complex than it
needs to be? :)

I thought so... but the list disagreed and nobody else had any
issues with the branch.  So trunk is 2.3-dev.

My confusion deals with how patches are synced... Patches I applied
to TRUNK made it to the 2.2 branch after it was branched, it appears.
I fear that just as viable patches are being missed from being
folded into 2.0, it will be even worse between TRUNK and 2.2, simply
because they track SO close now. Or, conversely, stuff folded into
the 2.2 branch may not end up in trunk.

The latter should never happen.  Develop on trunk, merge back to
stable: 2.2 branch, or 2.2 branch and 2.0 branch.

At least, that's what I envisioned after all the discussion on how
to move on with the branch/versioning scheme.


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