William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 * cache - that's experimental.
 * ldap  - that's experimental.

These are experimental in 2.0 only, they have been promoted in 2.1/2.2.

 * proxy - that SHOULD have stayed experimental, it sure wasn't cooked
           when we reimported it into 2.0.  [Newcomers, do be aware that
           we punted proxy OUT of httpd 2, it was so horrid.  It was
           significantly refactored, and reintroduced, but brought back
           as many new bugs as the refactoring eliminated.]

I have lots of proxy installs that to date have worked with zero hassle for years.

The majority of bugs in the v2.0 proxy code originated when a vendor of an HTTP protocol testing suite added each individual protocol violation they picked up to bugzilla. This makes proxy one of the most scrutinised pieces of code in the server. Many of these violations were fixed, with the more minor ones being still outstanding.

 * ssl   - I'm under the impression (and could be wrong) that most of
           the ssl issues are unusual, more experimental configurations
           using features that even the mod_ssl project doesn't build
           by default ;-)

So they are new.  Why does that make them experimental?

Because we don't yet know if they work well enough to be useful to end users - only end users can tell us that, and end users don't use code that isn't there.

Remember that there is a big difference between "works" and "works well". Cache for example has worked well enough for light load servers for a long time, but cache is not (yet) good enough for CNN.

We need an incubation process of some kind for new code that people who are brave enough might try and use in production, without having to jump the whole way in and install trunk onto production. That process up till now has been the experimental directory. Without that directory, we would have had no ldap and no cache.

Please lets bear in mind that a lot of code marked stable is really just as
new and untested, and going through the same process.  Obvious cases:
proxy, cache and ldap have been hugely re-hacked since anything in 2.0.

Proxy got a load balancer hook and a new protocol module, otherwise the code is largely the same if you haven't switched either of these new things on.

Cache and LDAP got a huge rework, thus their graduation from experimental.

If you want to commit non-working, experimental code, then we can always
roll another sandbox to 'play' in until there is something worthy of
inclusion in trunk.

A sandbox nobody can play in, because it implies running a development version of the entire webserver, rather than just a development/experimental version of a single feature.


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