Nick Kew wrote:
> I agree about both of those.  And I'd say the same even more strongly for
> mod_dbd, simply because it (or whatever it becomes when updated in the
> light of real-life experience) should become the basis of a new generation
> of applications.  If it's there, it'll start to permeate the Usual Suspects
> like mod_perl.  If not, we'll still have the old situation of Perl, Python,
> PHP, Tcl, Authentication, Logging etc each maintaining its own separate
> database connections, and having to reinvent the connection pooling
> wheel if they want to if they want to improve scalability.

People will not use it unless they can *really* trust a module. Simply
expecting people to migrate to it because of the theoretical
benefits isn't quite wise, until it has proven itself. The idea is
to make it easier for people to have access to a module, use it
and test it. More exposure means more feedback and more bug-fixes
(hopefully :) ). But simply "being there" isn't enough to
expect world-wide usage, but "being there" is enough to hope
that people have easier access to play around with it.

 Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
           "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball."

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