Luc Pardon said:

>    Yes, but what got me confused is that the httpd tarball comes with
> the APR source (hence the docs don't talk about it as being a
> prerequisite) whereas the current spec file requires you to go elsewhere
> and get something that is already there. It seem to me that this kind of
> defeats the purposo of bundling APR.

The APR bundled with source is historical - the APR library grew out of
the httpd code, and was only recently "promoted" to a library in it's own

The removal of APR from the httpd has been discussed a number of times,
and I think will probably happen eventually once APR is widespread on it's

Most of the major distros already distribute httpd and apr separately as
APR v0.9.x and httpd v2.0.x (Redhat does anyway), so in the RPM world this
isn't too much of a surprise to have them separate.

>     Agreed on both counts. That (no patches) is one of the reasons why
> I'm building my own.
>     But I think there are sometimes other differencies than just
> patches, no ? For example, installing into platform-dependent dirs or
> other variations in configure options ? Or init script stuff ?

The spec file has slowly got simpler and simpler, with more and more of
the "special" stuff being removed from the spec file, falling back on the
normal httpd build process.

Ideally the spec file should eventually be trivial, it shouldn't be
necessary to have to move files and directories around in a spec file when
the httpd build process contains an option to choose a directory layout

>     I see. But couldn't you leave them sitting in srclib/apr, where
> rpmbuild -tb won't see them ? Or better, merge them into httpd.spec, so
> that rpmbuild -tb will produce apr packages from the bundled code in one
> go ?

There is a drive to get APR to stand on it's own as much as possible.
Combining the packaging with httpd is going backwards on a process that
should eventually see apr removed from the httpd tree entirely.

>    From a later message of yours, it seems it's too late already <g>.

I just created a patch for this, just battling to test it (stupid working
directories copied from MacOSX to Fedora grumble).

>    As an aside, is there no configure macro somewhere (something like
> APR_VERSION) that would avoid having to hard-code it in ?

If there is this would be very useful, will have to investigate.


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