Graham Leggett wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. said:

The problem is that packaging is almost a 20/20 hindsite game.  There's
no way we should expect that all of these many platform specifics can
all be maintained pre-release.  That's why, in the Win32 .msi case,
there is a seperate httpd/httpd/win32-msi/trunk/ containing the win32
packaging flavor.  It doesn't get fixed for a specific release until
we know exactly what needed to be fixed :)

I'm concerned that the current .spec solution is wrong; it's very
platform specific (platform meaning deployment mechanics, in this
case, I'm not slamming non-unix rpm implementations).  Perhaps we
rejigger the tree to



The spec file needs to end up as "httpd.spec" in the root of the tarball
so that "rpmbuild -tb httpd-2.0.55.tar.gz" works, so keeping it in a
separate tree isn't going to work properly.

The problem remains though - people change stuff within the tree, which
affects the packaging, and this only surfaces when a release is rolled.

So... is it unreasonable in README.RPM to point the user to obtain the
current httpd.spec/ from /dist/httpd/httpd-2.0.55-rpm-src.tar.gz
which would be grabbed from svn httpd/package/rpm/, and drop it into the
unpacked httpd-2.0.55 source tarball, in order to package?


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