I'm no commiter but must concur -- until the build runs cleanly on Windows 2.2.0 should not go out the door.

Not everyone may like it, but Windows is a major Apache usage platform these days.

Jess Holle

Nick Kew wrote:
On Tuesday 29 November 2005 08:32, Paul Querna wrote:
Paul Querna wrote:
These tarballs are Identical to 2.1.10 except for two changes:

* include/ap_release.h Updated to be 2.2.0-release
* The root directory was changed from httpd-2.1.10 to httpd-2.2.0
Okay, I lied, slightly:

 * svn r348009: Added AP_DECLARE to mod_dbd exported functions.  No
functional changes for most operating systems.
Yow!  That reminds me: that was in response to someone complaining of
a build failure on Windows, and he said it *still* failed with AP_DECLARE.
Can someone with Windows *please* look at this?

-1 for GA while this is outstanding!


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