On 1/5/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this allows you to pass a 'path' to the fast cgi process
> to use:
> ProxyPass  /forum fcgi-tcp://
> request
> /forum/zx will have a path_info of /foruX/zx
> posting it as a patch, as the code is a bit fugly.

The question is, what should PATH_INFO actually be set to.  Your way
of doing things gives some interesting flexibility, but intuitively it
seems to me that it would be the portion of the request URI after
/forum (for this example), not include /forum at all.

Also, I'm not sure about this syntax because I'm not clear how it
would work for local fcgi processes that use a unix domain socket. 
I've assumed that the fcgi-local:// scheme would do something like
fcgi-local://localhost/path/to/socket, and in that case how can you
tell the difference between the socket and the path extension?


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