On Friday 06 January 2006 19:20, Steffen wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe there is some help for the Windows community,
> we are still struggling to get mod_dbd working with Windows.

You seem to be equating dbd with mysql here?

> Several ppl tried it, but it crashes Apache or it looses connections,
> see: http://www.apachelounge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=52
> To get it compiled, as i told you before, mysql.h has to be changed,
> see: http://www.apachelounge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=280#280

I thought you said it worked with MySQL 4.1 but caused trouble with 5.0?

Looking at your URL, you've changed __WIN__ to __WIN32__ in mysql.h.
That seems to be something internal to MySQL itself, outside the
reach of the apr_dbd_mysql driver.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, the MySQL driver was only ever a quick
clone of the PostgreSQL driver (which I use myself).  If you or anyone else
would like to take over maintenance of it (under the GPL), that's fine by me.
Or of course you could fork a Windows version of it.

Alternatively, it's now under subversion, and (round tuits permitting) should
also come under bug tracking in the not-too-distant future.  If you think
you have something to contribute, let me know.

Nick Kew

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