Mads Toftum wrote:
On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 09:22:18AM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
I think they do belong and should be included in a release.  Namely, I
don't buy Roy's arguments against including them.  The potential benefit to
understanding how mod_mbox works outweighs the slight cost of including
some small scripts.  If anyone ever bothers to rewrite them, more power to
them.  However, not including *any* documentation or examples in the
tarball seems much worse than excluding these scripts.

Agreed - they should at least be kept until there's a usable
replacement either in the form of good docs or scripts rewritten to
something slightly more commonly used than zsh.
If "someone" were to contemplate making a general version of those
scripts - what would have a reasonable chance of getting accepted? perl?
ksh? C?


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