Joshua Slive wrote:
> On 2/10/06, David Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Joshua Slive wrote:
>>>On 1/26/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>Hi Joshua:
>>>> has the new structure
>>>>httpd-std.conf (the one I was looking at) didn't ;(
>>>Hmmm... httpd-std.conf doesn't exist in trunk.
>>Just ran into this and couldn't quite believe what I was seeing.
>>I have a similar config on a server and basically unless you're very
>>careful you end up shutting people out! This change in auth seems to
>>make no sense to me.
>>It's adding a lot of complexity to config files. Do we really need to
>>make this change? Really?
>>At the very least can someone please document how config files need to
>>be changed... And no, I don't think having it in a sample config file is
> No argument on any of that.  But the idea is that if you include
> mod_access_compat, it should be config-file-compatible with older
> versions.
> If that isn't true, you should provide details.

Well, I had the warnings about the commands being deprecated, but the
site didn't work and kept giving me 401 errors.

When I changed to the "new" commands it worked. *shrug*

Also, LimitExcept doesn't seem to be working at all. Also mod_authn_dbd
still isn't working reliably for me. Works for a short while then stops,
starts and stops again at unpredictable intervals...


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