
While running the bench marking tool, ab (options are -c 30 -n 400), on a cgi script that takes about 30 seconds to complete, I notice the following error in the logfile when I do a graceful shutdown. This is on 2.0.55 version of Apache. The error I get is :

[Thu Mar 02 17:23:11 2006] [error] [client] daemon couldn't find C
GI process for connection 5
[Thu Mar 02 17:23:11 2006] [error] [client] daemon couldn't find C
GI process for connection 67

For every concurrent request issued, there seems to be an error. I noticed that CGI daemon dies immediately after a graceful shutdown is issued and the message is printed by the other httpd children that were spawned before the graceful shutdown is issued. Any idea why this should happen ?


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