Rian Hunter wrote:

So the Listen directive now takes an optional protocol argument. In the documentation it states that if the protocol isn't specified then if the port number is 443, it is set to "https" otherwise "http".

This seems like a good idea. What about if the port number is 25, personally I want this to automatically set the protocol to "smtp". Sort of like our own /etc/services. I can of course see this turning into default protocol specifiers for multiple port numbers so I anticipate some type of config file similar to MIMEMagic in the future.

Yes, my vision was for it to use something like /etc/services, but that just didn't make sense for the most common case of people putting HTTP on a different port.

But for now, where is the code that set's the protocol to "https" if the port number is 443? I don't see it in the Listen directive handler.

See server/listen.c around line 530:

    /* TODO: set protocol defaults per-Port, eg 25=smtp */
    ap_set_server_protocol(ls, "http");

Also is there a preferred way for a protocol module to accept a connection? Right now I have a directive "SmtpProtocol" that dictates whether mod_smtpd accepts a connection on a server_rec. There is also ap_get_server_protocol(server_rec *s) that returns the protocol based on the Listen directive. The second way is similar to the way handlers are selected.

Either method can work. mod_ssl currently will pick up anything with the protocol "https".

I personally like using
<VirtualHost *:25>
Protocol smtp

Rather than each module introducing a slightly different directive for their protocol. (For example SmtpProtocol on, SSLEngine on, etc)


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