Nick Kew wrote:
I haven't tried files that size, but that's far too small for LARGE_FILE to
be relevant.  I guess you knew that already, so does something else
lead you to suppose you're hitting an Apache limit?

It does seem like a rather small and arbitrary limit. I can't think of what 
else besides apache would cause it, but I could be missing something. The files 
are being dumped into mysql in 64K blocks. The machine is an amd64, so that 
shouldn't be a problem, and 700MB isn't near 2 or 4 GB anyway. Uploading from a 
cable modem doesn't go anywhere near saturating the disk, cpu, or network. I've 
tried OSX, Win2k and WinXP, all with the same result. I'm running out of things 
to check. Any suggestions? I guess it could be a limit in mod_dav itself. I'm 
afraid to go looks messy.

Regarding your custom AAA module, it should be possible to use that
in 2.2.  If you don't want to port it, you can fall back to the 2.0
architecture.  At worst you may have to use 2.0 mod_auth and/or
mod_access alongside your module.

Ah, that I didn't know. Thanks.

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