On 6/8/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Plüm wrote:
>>Von: Joe Orton
>>I don't see why it's necessary for the ASF to be in
>>the business of distributing binaries; letting other people assume the
>>technical and legal responsibilites for doing that seems reasonable.

Ahhh, the preface of what Roy pointed out.  Yes of course, since that's
what pays your salary I'm not terribly surprised...

tread lightly...  very easy to be misinterpreted here, particularly by
random users...

("other people" being
the Red Hats, IBMs, Covalents, HPs, Suns etc etc.)

Just curious: does anybody in that boat actually think that anything
we httpd-ers could do with packaging httpd (binaries, SSL,etc.) would
conceivably compete with what our employers are providing?  (I find
that preposterous personally)

(OTOH, if there is a solid business case for providing simply a binary
of httpd with suitable features that is known to work on at least some
handful of machines, please let me know ;) )

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