I'm seeing what appears to be really severe performance degradation during the course of really large downloads (e.g. 800MBs) on Windows Apache's -- both 2.0.x (recent builds) and 2.2.3.

Has anyone else seen this?  Is this just a lack of tuning?  If so, pointers would be appreciated.

Note we're using:
SendBufferSize 16384
EnableSendfile Off
Before blaming the latter setting, however, I should point out that the problem we're seeing exists both for this case with simple static file downloads and for dynamic downloads through mod_jk and Tomcat (we've only tested this case with 2.0.x).  The latter case is actually our real issue, but unless/until static file downloads don't show this degradation there seems to be little point in chasing the (more complex) dynamic case.

Jess Holle

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